STAR WAY 2.0 Partner Program Back

Author: STAR WAY

STAR WAY 2.0 Partner Program

The neoteric, highly profitable decentralized advertising and marketing Partner Program STAR WAY 2.0 is designed to popularize the company's product and opens up a huge potential for improving the quality of life and achieving financial well-being for each participant.


  • Your active engagement in promotion of company's product is highly rewarded with commissions.
  • The STAR WAY smart contract that is programmed on TRON blockchain instantly distributes rewards directly to your own blockchain wallet.


  • Anyone can participate online from anywhere in the world.
  • Invite partners using your personal referral link or ID, and receive rewards in USDT based on their activity.
  • The commission amount for each participant is not limited, and the result depends solely on your desire.


  • The STAR WAY 2.0 smart contract is a decentralized, self-executing algorithm developed by the company's experts within the TRON blockchain network, and it cannot be modified or closed by anyone, not even the project's founders.
  • All transactions are processed and automatically distributed using a smart contract and are open and visible to public, which ensures full transparency. You can check them any time in the TRON Blockсhain Explorer.
  • There are no withdrawal requests, withdrawal timeframes, or human error risks.

How it works

  • When any horoscope is purchased, 16.7% of its value is the company’s income, and 83.3% is distributed as rewards immediately to the personal Partner Program participants wallets.
  • In order to track distribution of commissions we have developed Astrosets, a modern indivisible matrices of reward allocation between Program participants, each with a different reward calculation logic and a different number of places and placement levels.
  • The marketing plan consists of four types of Astrosets: AS5, AS7, AS15 and AS31.
  • By purchasing the required number of horoscopes, you can activate Astrosets of various types and rates in your personal account.



Total income 333%
5 places, 2 levels
Level 2: 4 places
Level 2: 83.3% for filling each place at Level 2


Total income 317%
7 places, 3 levels
Level 2: 2 places
Level 3: 4 places
Level 2: 8.2% for filling each place at Level 2
Level 3: 75% for filling each place at Level 3


Total income 467%
15 places, 4 levels
Level 2: 2 places
Level 3: 4 places
Level 4: 8 places
Level 2: 16.6% for filling each place at Level 2
Level 3: 25% for filling each place at Level 3
Level 4: 41.6% for filling each place at Level 4


Total income 817%
31 places, 5 levels
Level 2: 2 places
Level 3: 4 places
Level 4: 8 places
Level 5: 16 places
Level 2: 8.3% for filling each place at Level 2
Level 3: 16.6% for filling each place at Level 3
Level 4: 25% for filling each place at Level 4
Level 5: 33.3% for filling each place at Level 5

  • Each type of Astroset includes value 15 levels, the cost of activating each next level as well as income - doubles.
  • There are sixty Astrosets in total in the Partner Program; Astrosets and placements have an unlimited validity period.


  • To participate in the Program one needs to simultaneously activate all four types of Astrosets of any value level.
  • After the initial activation, all types of Astrosets can be developed in parallel and independently from each other.
  • The minimum activation cost for any type of Astroset is 6 USDT, which is equal to the price of any horoscope. The minimum admission fee to the Program is 24 USDT.
  • Simply select the desired Astrosets in your personal account. The system will add the required number of horoscopes to your cart for activation. Horoscopes will be added by prioritized topics marked in your settings, or you can add them yourself. After the successful payment, Astrosets will be activated.
  • If you want to immediately activate Astroset on level 5, you have to activate all Astrosets on levels 1 through 5 if they have not been activated yet.


  • The vertical referral system clearly records the sequence of invited participants.
  • Your invitees always follow you and fill the empty places in your Astrosets. The number of invitees is unlimited.
  • Regardless of where your place is in the Astrosets of your upline partner, you are always placed on the top first level of all your own Astrosets.
  • Astrosets places are always filled from left to right under the invitee, depending on the invitations made.
  • Astrosets are filled by all the Partner Program participants and you get rewarded every time when participants fill places in your astrosets.


  • According to the Program terms, when each Astroset first time filled, a part of the received rewards is accumulated in the smart contract and form a simultaneous pool for the activation of the following higher value level of Astroset and reactivation of the Astroset of the same value, which is a reinvestment.
  • Reinvestment and activation of a higher value level occurs automatically when each Astroset is completely filled.
  • Each time the Astroset is refilled, a smaller part of the rewards form a reinvestment pool for the reactivation of the same value Astroset. Re-activation of Astrosets of each value level occurs automatically an infinite number of times.


First filling: 4 last places form a pool.
Re-fill: 2 last places form a pool.


First filling: 4-5 last places form a pool.
Re-fill: 2 last places form a pool.


First filling: 8-9 last places form a pool.
Re-fill: 3 last places form a pool.


First filling: 9-11 last places form a pool.
Re-fill: 4 last places form a pool.

  • When Astrosets are filling in, all rewards go immediately to your wallet, except for the funds forming the pool for reinvestment and activation of higher value level Astrosets.
  • The balance from each pool usage is returned to the participant's wallet as well.
  • 16.7% of your own places value with each reinvestment and each activation of higher value level Astrosets is the company's income, and 83.3% is distributed among the Partner Program participants wallets according to the marketing plan.



  • In case all your upline partner’s first level places are already occupied, his invitees take free places in your astrosets and you receive a reward.

  • At the same time active participants can outpace their upline partners for a while by filling their Astrosets much faster and activating the following ones.
  • In case you are currently not present on the Astroset, your partners are placed under your closest upline partner located on this Astroset.
  • After you activate the Astroset of the same value, with the following reinvestments, your partners will take places according to their referral binding.

Star way

  • By activating Astrosets of higher value levels, each time you activate more advanced income generation mechanisms, because with each new value level the income is doubled, while the previous value levels of Astrosets also continue to constantly generate income through automatic endless reinvestments.
  • All of your downline, as well as your upline partners, with the help of transfer, continue to endlessly fill in places in your Astrosets by activating new value levels and re-activating previous Astrosets, creating constant streams of income.
  • There are no limits to the amount of rewards, the STAR WAY two zero partner program really gives you the opportunity to earn Life-Changing Money.
  • The rate and volume of your income depends only on you.

We outline 5 main development strategies for the Partner Program:

  • Beginner - activation of 1 to 3 levels of all types of Astrosets
  • Enthusiast - activation of 4 to 6 levels of all types of Astrosets
  • Expert - activation of 7 to 9 levels of all types of Astrosets
  • Master - activation of 10 to 12 levels of all types of Astrosets
  • Professional - activation of 13 to 15 levels of all types of Astrosets

Example 1

Beginner strategy - activation of 1-3 cost levels of all types of Astrosets


  • Opportunity to test all aspects of the Partner Program with a minimum entry threshold and only then get to choose the main strategy.
  • Ability to activate most Astroset cost levels by invited and higher-level partners.


  • Minimum income possible in the marketing program.
  • Possibility of a small rate of progress across Astroset levels.
  • Possibility of outperformance by partners, leading to loss of income.

In this scenario, even if you invite only one or two active participants, or if you have active upline partners in your structure, by gradually filling your Astrosets through constant transfers and continuous reinvestments, you will reach new Astroset levels and income streams.

However, when this happens, these active participants can overtake you by activating higher Astroset cost levels faster, and the reward for their activity will be received by your upline partners on whose Astrosets they will fill places until you activate these Astroset levels.

Example 2

Expert Strategy - activation of 7-9 cost levels of all types of Astrosets


  • Ability to quickly build the main source of income.
  • Balanced ratio of entry costs and rate of return on investment.


  • Need for an increased level of activity in building a structure for a quick result.
  • Possibility of outperformance by partners, leading to loss of income.

If your goal is to build yourself a permanent and main source of income, you may choose the Expert strategy and activate 7-9 cost levels of all types of Astrosets with an average entry threshold.

In this case, all your invitees, depending on their activity and their chosen strategy, will quickly fill your Astrosets, and since you have already activated a solid part of all levels, the entire amount of rewards that was intended for the formation of pools and the automatic activation of higher Astroset levels will go directly to your personal wallet.

Example 3

Professional Strategy - activation of 13-15 cost levels of all types of Astrosets


  • Maximum space profit
  • Opportunity to achieve incredible levels of wealth


  • Need for maximum effort and engagement of major structures for a return on investment and to achieve optimal results
  • Solid Initial Investment

If you are a professional in your field and your goal is maximum financial well-being, you have a large and active structure of partners who follow you with the same goal, you can choose the Professional strategy by activating all levels of all types of Astrosets, for which you will need a solid investment.

In such a scenario, the colossal mechanism will continuously generate huge income streams at all Astroset levels, depending on your elaboration of strategies with your structure at all levels. Mass starts of invited partners and their invitees on enhanced strategies, no need to reinvest in raising levels, and constant transfers and continuous reinvestments of all levels will allow you to recover all initial investments as quickly as possible and at the expense of 333% income from each AS5 level, 317% from each AS7 level, 467% from each AS15 level, 817% from each AS31 level, and multiply it infinitely.

Example 4

In order to become a participant of the STAR WAY 2.0 Partner Program, you need to:

You can also develop your own strategies by combining the types and Astroset levels depending on your specific situation and desire. For example, you understand that you will be able to generate traffic by successfully converting it into your line 1 of the structure, for effective lead conversion, you can activate 1 level of all types of Astrosets at the start of the Program, as well as all AS5 levels, which are filled with direct invitees and from each level of which you will receive 333% of income.

Start changing your life

In order to become a participant of the STAR WAY 2.0 Partner Program, you need to:

  • Register a crypto wallet supporting TRON cryptocurrency.
  • Complete a full registration on the company's platform using a referral link or an upline partner ID.
  • Buy the number of horoscopes for the amount required to activate the selected Astrosets
  • Activate the Astrosets.


Join the Partner Program, move to a new level of financial well-being together with the global STAR WAY team!

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