
Due to the use of scientific astrology and a new-generation matrix Partner Program, STAR WAY 2.0 is an international decentralized platform capable of changing every user’s quality of life and awareness for the better.
As the outcome of the cooperation of the crypto community’s prominent representatives, professional marketers and astrologists, STAR WAY 2.0 aims at popularization of professional astrology and the crypto industry’s latest technologies.

The platform allows for purchasing professional individual horoscopes designed by the STAR WAY astroprocessor, the world's leading astrologists' unique project, as well as earning money by means of the unrivalled advertising and marketing STAR WAY 2.0 Partner Program.

Professional astrology helps you to prepare for important events in your life even before they happen, instead of coping with the consequences. It helps you to start planning your life consciously and make informed and more effective decisions.

The project's Partner Program really gives every user the opportunity to earn Life-Changing Money and completely change the quality of your life.

Decentralization is the process of delegating authority from the central administration to the participants of the process, which is the basic principle of each blockchain network. In contrast to a centralized system, decentralization means that all decisions are made upon reaching an overall agreement in opinion in the network.

The TRON blockchain is a global blockchain ecosystem including numerous services and developers of software and smart contracts, with tens of millions of accounts and billions of cheap transactions, and using various cryptocurrencies including TRON and USDT of the TRC-20 standard.

A smart contract is a self-executable software product and an algorithm within blockchain networks. The primary purpose of smart contracts is to automate relationships with automatically fulfilled obligations.

The STAR WAY smart contract performs the function of distributing rewards among participants, subject to certain conditions of the Partner Program. All transactions are processed and automatically allocated with the aid of a smart contract and are open and public while ensuring full transparency. You can check them any time in the TRON block browser tronscan.org.

The STAR WAY astroprocessor is a unique project of the Institute of Practical Astrology, a program code absorbing more than thirty years of experience of many prominent astrologists worldwide. Upon request, the astroprocessor will automatically provide you online with the results of high-quality professional diagnostics of your personal situation and in-depth recommendations about the forthcoming event and emotional trends in your life in any area and for any period that may interest you.

It is a unique fully automated algorithm and free platform functionality automatically identifying individual key astrological influences for each registered user and notifying him/her about their nature and timing in advance. Log on to activate the Astrological Care Service.

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