Love Horoscope

Offers recommendations on building a successful relationship with your soulmate or finding a partner.

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General situation of the day

Moon on that day.

The period from the new moon to the first quarter. This is the best period to start a new relationship. The energy increases gradually, and love gathers pace. This is the time to be active, achieve the desired, demonstrate your strengths, and move forward.

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus. This is the time of solidity and calmness in love affairs. Partnerships can be "stuck" on the same issues. On the one hand, it may be stubbornness, on the other - perseverance in overcoming stubbornness. Controversial issues are well addressed at the nicely laid table.

Moon Void 22:38-24:00

It is better not to start anything important now. Do not schedule important dates, especially first dates. All important personal agreements are also best done at another time.

Retrograde **====

Venus retrograde

Retrograde Venus. At this time, there may be a delay and inhibition in the affairs of the heart, the return to the old relations or old problems in the relationship. There may be a feeling that you are staying in one place, and do not move forward, but this time is still needed to understand what is required in order to achieve harmony and balance in the relationship.

Individual impacts of the day (interaction of planets with the personal horoscope)

Important planetary influences which act for a long time, and that day falls in the period when they exert effect.

Stressful interaction Neptune Mars of your horoscope

It is stressful influence for relationships. It can provoke sexual conflicts, emotional problems, and doubts about the relationship. You may be captured by illusions, become a victim of seduction, confide to those whose letting close you may regret later. This influence may attract to you people who can adversely affect you. It is especially important not to drink too much or use other irritants. "Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll" should not be taken to the extreme in this period.

Favorable interaction Uranus Moon of your horoscope

This influence may renew your family life; your memory which can become more alive and exciting, varied and interesting. In the relationship, slightly excited and elevated mood can prevail, which will positively influence your sexual life. You can find new possibilities and outputs to satisfy your love fantasies. This influence switches off caution and prudence, and in their absence, you can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of new sensations. This influence is advantageous for moving, let it be moving of one partner to the other or simply moving house is a family.

Major planetary influences of the day

Stressful interaction Mars Mars of your horoscope

This is a stressful influence. You may find yourself in the midst of conflicts and disputes; what is happening in your personal life is difficult to control and stabilize. Impulsiveness, spontaneity, lack of balance, aggression - anyone can manifest these qualities now. You may have problems of a sexual nature. It is sensible to have self-control and restraint. Avoid critical situations and irreparable consequences.

At certain times of the day, it is useful to consider the influence of the Moon on your horoscope.

Stressful interaction Moon Uranus of your horoscope 20:47-24:00

This revolutionary planetary influence may in a brief moment turn a lot in the relationship upside down. The reason may be a passionate desire for independence and freedom from restrictions. Perhaps, at this time it is good to get prepared for unexpected and non-standard behavior - both in your and your partner’s case. This influence may increase the excitability and conflicts, provide an element of instability and unrest in the relationship. Some things will definitely be set up solely to the individual; it is even possible that they will be contrary to the common interest.

Astrological forecast is based on the basis of a joint analysis of your birth chart (horoscope), and the exact position of the planets in the forecast period. Based on your birth data we computed and built your individual horoscope, and then analyzed the most significant astrological influence (the motion of planets), consistently, day after day during the forecast period and their impact on your horoscope. As the result we provide you with the individual for you forecast of the major astrological influences. They create a wide range of opportunities and wide range of challenges, thus giving you the choice for certain actions. Provide, but do not oblige. The choice is always yours! Knowing the nature of the effects and time when they are most strongly manifested, you can estimate the degree of difficulty and time to take advantage of these opportunities. You even get the creator of your destiny. The forecast provides guidance to the nature of the effects, the intervals of time when they are most strongly exist: recommendations regarding the optimal behavior during these time intervals in order to achieve success and stability in business. This allows at any time to tailor one’s life to cosmic rhythms, unbreakable connection with which is predetermined by nature.

Planetary influences may occur with varying degrees of strength. They can either reinforce each other or contradict each other. Not all the influences can be felt, understood, lead to significant events. In the case of conflicting trends it makes sense to rely on favorable ones and be attentive to matters in those areas for which there is intense impact. ’Tense’, ’conflict’ and ’complex’ effects suggest that the situation in your life needs some changes and it is likely that they will occur. This is the most intense time, which requires understanding of the situation, switching on and studying, usage of energy and strength. Then the changes may be important and positive, this can become the move to another level. ’Tense’ aspects can also mean that you will be emotional, irritable, agitated, aggressive more than the usual, so during this time be rigorous to yourself, control yourself and be critical. The presence of intense effects does not mean that you should refuse things that are important to you, you simply need to assess the influence of the circumstances at the moment and make the most rational decision. To neutralize difficult situations try to use time when there are favorable influences along with the tense influences. Favorable influences suggest that the time is good for a particular action and result in this field will be easier to achieve than at any other time. They also point out that this is the best time to reveal your talents, abilities, your potential.


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