STAR WAY 2.0 horoscopes Back

Author: STAR WAY

Imagine you can anticipate major events in your personal life, health problems, turning points in your career or business, or periods of financial boom. How will you use this information?

Everything in the Universe is subject to the laws of unity, a system in which the macro-world and micro-world are similar and reflect each other. The human being is a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm and vice versa. The streams of distant cosmic energies penetrate everything on Earth, including you and me.

The human psyche consists of consciousness, that is, the process under our control, and the unconscious, which controls us and guides us through emotions, reactions, desires, intuition, fears, and even through the initial stages of creativity - the product of hypotheses, guesses and creative insights.

The unconscious is the mechanism materializing our desires and emotions in the surrounding physical world. Emotions present the psychic energy that makes our life develop. People unconsciously seek/create circumstances and situations in order to realize their emotions.

According to the principle of unity, by studying and understanding the macrocosm we can understand and describe the processes occurring in the microcosm (the unconscious of a person) and realize when they occur. Over thousands of years, mankind has recorded and described the relationship between events in human life and the configurations of planets and stars in the sky overhead. This is how Astrology appeared - a special language allowing for reading the data of the macrocosm and interpreting them in relation to people.

Astrology is the science of Man and time. It combines several scientific fields at once, which allow describing the system of interconnection between Man and the Universe - astronomy, mathematics, geometry, philosophy, and psychology.

At present, it is a scientifically proved fact that the increased solar activity and disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field affect such physiological characteristics of a person as blood pressure, blood circulation, the behavior of erythrocytes, and the response time to light and sound signals. The influence of the Moon and other planets of the solar system is also an undeniable and proved fact.

Astrology supposes that a screenshot of the location of planets and stars at the time of a person's birth from the spot on Earth contains information about the development potential of his/her entire life and character traits, also called innate traits. Such a screenshot is called a Natal chart, or a birth chart.

Psychologists have proved that the unconscious always satisfies the dominant needs and motives of a person. For example, a career-oriented person may be a genius in climbing the ranks but is unlikely to present the world with scientific discoveries or masterpieces of art. Your star chart of birth can tell you about similar and other potentials.

One of the main tasks of astrology is to put wise about the change in the quality of time. In professional astrology, a horoscope (from the Ancient Greek "ōra" - hour, "skopos" - observer) is an analysis of the relationship between the relative positions of planets and stars in a person's birth chart to the arrangement of planets and stars for the current (or any other) period of time and place.

Horoscopes are used to diagnose a person's emotional states that he/she will experience in a specified period of time and what events they will be associated with. The quality of time directly affects the quality of life and decisions made. Just think of the way you make decisions when you are in a bad or good emotional state, and what these decisions are.

Nowadays, in the era of technology development, you do not need to purposefully study or consult a professional astrologist in order to use professional astrological knowledge.

The STAR WAY astro processor is a unique development of the Institute of Practical Astrology, a program code absorbing more than thirty years of experience of many prominent astrologists worldwide. Upon request, it will automatically provide you online with the results of high-quality professional diagnostics of your personal situation and in-depth recommendations about the forthcoming event and emotional trends in your life in any area and for any period that may interest you.

Business Horoscope

It contains information about periods favorable for your business activity in the future, which is an indisputable competitive advantage.

Finance Horoscope

It helps to manage financial risks more effectively and plan financial activities in accordance with good periods for making a profit.

Love Horoscope

It includes recommendations on building relationships with your soul mate or finding a partner.

Health Horoscope

It helps to minimize the risk of accidental health problems, recognize future adverse periods, and take action well in advance.

Holiday Horoscope

It helps to choose the best time for a trip in order to get the maximum of positive emotions from it and avoid troubles.

Drivers' Horoscope

It helps to avoid the risks of road accidents when planning road trips.

The horoscope serves as a navigator, but not a fatality. It provides an opportunity to expand or reduce the potential of future events, control and take advantage of circumstances, minimize risks and make better decisions.

Astrology helps to better understand yourself and the origin of your emotions, thus learning how to control them, prepare for events before they occur instead of coping with the consequences. It helps to start planning your life consciously and make informed decisions.

Once you discover STAR WAY 2.0, you will have a huge advantage in your life efficiency.

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